Side events

Side events

The ERSCP2021 will be held from September 8 to 10, 2021.

Side events can be scheduled as of September 7, 2021.

For project meetings, or e.g. sessions of scientific societies / communities ERSCP2021 will be happy to provide break-out rooms, which can be used as of September 7, 2020.
Please contact: for reservations, free of charge.

Side events can be announced on this site, if desired.

Participants in these side events will be expected to register for ERSCP2021,

The following side events will be held in conjunction with ERSCP2021

  • European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) SocietyERSCP
    Society Board meeting
  • EProfEng
    Consortium meeting

The project has developed distance learning courses in engineering, sustainabile development, appropriate technology, international education and development, business, and provides an opportunity for professional engineers to enroll in a concrete training program of study in Egyptian universities .

The interdisciplinary program is offered to professional engineers interested in community service and international development. To examine these issues and challenges, a wide variety of people will contribute to this project, including engineers, economists, scientists from the public and private sectors, and from the profession and universities.

The program is developed in partnership with a wide range of academic and nonacademic groups in EU and Egypt and addressees three different engineering discplines Mechnical, Electrical and Construction.



Introduction to SCORAI Europe, relevance to ERSCP, overview of recent projects/activities, open discussion of sustainable consumption future research agenda and links to teaching/practical actions.

  • more to come …